iphone_carAh, summer. The perfect time for barbecues, trips to the beach, and (yes!) projects!

Feel free to pull out your project list now or review it in your head. If your list contains too many… shall we say… mundane items  (read: weed garden, unclog bathtub, etc) then make way for NerdKits.

A NerdKit is an electronics kit that teaches users about digital electronics, embedded systems, and in the words of NerdKit’s creators, “how to bridge computers with the ‘real world.'”

In other words, they are kits that help you build cool things, including:

Best of all, the NerdKits Web site has a bunch of entertaining video tutorials. Check out the one for the iPhone car below:

Although it probably goes without saying, two MIT alums created NerdKit. They are Humberto Evans ’08 and Mike Robbins ’08 MNG ’09.